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It goes without saying that 2020 has been one of the most enduring years for, well, just about everybody. There has been a multitude of shifts, and so many things for so many folks to overcome. With so much uncertainty, it’s hard to not feel anxious sometimes! And for those of us who existed prior to the pandemic with anxiety and depression, it’s been that much more difficult to regulate ourselves on a daily basis. Luckily, there are accessible and natural modalities for us to utilize to support your mental health on a daily basis. In our office you’ve heard us talk about how regular adjustments, acupuncture, and massage are in and of themselves super powerful ways to keep your mind and mood in check. Another one of our favorite ways to support healthy mood support is by using herbs! Below is a comprehensive list of herbs we LOVE that will help to calm the mind and the nervous system. 

Passion flower: can be taken as a tincture or drank as a tea - passionflower, yes, the flower of passionfruit is an incredible calming plant. It has the power to support and ease anxiety and sleep problems, as well as for pain, heart rhythm problems, menstrual and menopausal symptoms, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Lavender: can be drunk as a tea or taken as tincture - have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to heal minor burns and bug bites. Research suggests that it may be useful for treating anxiety, insomnia, depression, and restlessness.

Valerian: taken as tincture, tea, or capsule - valerian root can support a variety of health conditions, including insomnia, anxiety, headaches, digestive problems, menopause symptoms, and post-exercise muscle pain and fatigue.

Chamomile: can be drunk as a tea, or taken as a tincture. Chamomile is a natural sedative that allows for more restful sleep, calms stress, and has an antispasmodic effect on the body which means it relieves muscle spasms and pain. 

Lemon Balm

Ashwagandha: can be taken in tincture, powder, or capsule form. Ashwagandha is amongst the family of adaptogens. Adaptogens affect systems and hormones in the body that regulate a person’s stress response and assist in the regulation of our nervous systems. 

Skullcap: can be taken as tincture, or drunk as a tea - skullcap is most commonly known as a sleeping aid. It can also be used to relieve tension in the body and muscles, and helps to reverse the effects caused by anxiety. 

Any opportunity for us to treat ourselves naturally, the better chance our body has at using it’s natural defenses and optimizing it’s natural functions. The power that made the body, heals the body. So give your body the support it needs by using what is found in nature to get back in tune with natural rhythms.